What Not To Do On Social Media

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Social media. In theory, it should be fun and simple. That does not mean that there isn't strategic planning that goes into the content you see. Whether you are a new entrepreneur or a veteran business owner, here are five things you should never do on social media. 

1. Only promoting your product/services. Don't be selfish. Be a resource of information, not just a seller. 

2. Posting all your content at once. While it can be tempting to post all your new content at once, don't do it. You will annoy your audience and will likely end up with a few less followers.  There are several scheduling tools that allow you to schedule your posts to go live at optimal times. Hootsuite, Buffer, and Tailwind are just a few great examples.

3. Going hashtag crazy. Hashtags are great, but they come at a price. Use too many and you look spammy. Use to few and you lose out on a higher audience. The key is to use a mix of hashtags related to your industry, related directly to your post, and to what your ideal client is checking. 

4. Never engaging with your audience. Social media is meant to be social. When your post receives comments, comment back. Like and comment on others' posts as well. 

5. Going off brand. The easiest way to avoid this is to have your brand statement and brand styling board in your sight when creating your posts.